Election of the Middle Rhine Wine King 2023/2024
We congratulate the new Middle Rhine Wine Queen Julia Lambrich from Oberwesel on her new position and are delighted that Gero Schüler from Bacharach-Steeg has once again been elected Middle Rhine Wine Prince!

from left to right: Felix Kahl, Julia Lambrich, Hannah Roos and Gero Schüler
After the four candidates for the Middle Rhine Wine Crown, Julia Lambrich (Oberwesel), Hannah Roos (Erpel), Felix Kahl (Boppard) and Gero Schüler (Bacharach-Steeg), had demonstrated their knowledge in the afternoon during the technical questionnaire, the moderator and former Middle Rhine Wine Queen Anna Klapper tested the applicants' spontaneity, charm and enthusiasm for the wine-growing region with questions and small tasks in the evening.
Gero Schüler was only narrowly beaten by Julia Lambrich. The young winemaker from Steeg impressed with his naturalness and his open, likeable manner. On behalf of Mayor Benedikt Seemann (VG Rhein-Nahe) and Mayor Philipp Rahn (City of Bacharach), the Managing Director of Rhein-Nahe Touristik, Christian Kuhn, congratulated Gero Schüler on his position as Middle Rhine Wine Prince and wished him continued success in the Middle Rhine team for the promotion of the top wines in the region.
In the coming year, we look forward to welcoming the Middle Rhine Wine Queen Julia Lambrich and her Wine Princess Hannah Roos and the Wine Princes Felix Kahl and Gero Schüler to various wine events in the Rhine-Nahe municipality.